Take Action on Cannabis Legislation in West Virginia

Here are the bills that are currently being considered by West Virginia legislators.

To support or oppose a certain bill, contact the original sponsors of the bill and your local representatives, to tell them your opinions.

Session Bill Number Document Key Issue Bill Name Sponsored By Contact Sponsor
2025 Regular Session HB2887 DETAILS This bill legalizes personal cannabis use and possession for adults, allows counties to decide on production and sales, regulates cannabis through the Bureau of Health, imposes excise and local sales taxes, prohibits underage use, and upholds employer and property owner rights to restrict use or possession Relating to legalizing cannabis production, sales and adult consumption Evan Hansen (D), Shawn Fluharty (D), Rick Garcia (D), Anitra Hamilton (D), Sean Hornbuckle (D), Hollis Lewis (D), Mike Pushkin (D), John Williams (D), Kayla Young (D) Evan Hansen, Shawn Fluharty, Rick Garcia, Anitra Hamilton, Sean Hornbuckle, Hollis Lewis, Mike Pushkin, John Williams, Kayla Young
2025 Regular Session HB3230 DETAILS The bill allows qualifying patients to grow up to 10 cannabis plants, with a maximum of five maturing at the same time Relating to the cultivation of medical cannabis Mike Pushkin (D) Mike Pushkin
2025 Regular Session SB219 DETAILS This bill aims to reclassify the penalty for simple possession of marijuana (less than 15 grams) from a misdemeanor to a civil violation Amending penalty of simple possession of marijuana from misdemeanor crime to civil violation Mike Woelfel (D) Mike Woelfel